Publications By Timothy Branner Brenneman
2022 Georgia Plant Disease Loss Estimates (AP 102-15) 2022 plant disease losses, including control costs, amounted to an estimated $933 million. The value of the crops used in this estimate was approximately $8200 million, resulting in a 11.4% relative d…
Commercial Pecan Spray Guide (B 841) This publication provides guidance for insect, disease, and weed control in commercial pecan orchards for 2024.
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Fruit and Nuts (SB 28-19) Commercial insect and weed control in fruits and nuts. Updated annually.
Georgia Pest Management Handbook Series: Peanut (SB 28-24) Commercial insect and weed control in peanut. Updated annually.
Haiti Peanut Research Report (B 1499) This report summarizes the findings of field trials and basic data collected in Haiti under the Feed the Future Peanut & Mycotoxin Innovation Lab project from 2014-2017. The focus of the research was …
Peanut Production Field Guide (B 1146) The peanut production guide includes varieties, agronomic practices, pest management, irrigation management, equipment maintenance, maturity, and harvest practices.
Rapport de recherches sur l’arachide en Ha?ti (B 1499-FR) L’arachide est cultivée en Ha?ti depuis au moins 500 ans et remonte très probablement à la préhistoire. Selon Bartolomé de las Casas, un prêtre qui a accompagné Christophe Colomb lors de son expéditio…
Timothy Branner Brenneman
Professor, Peanut and Pecan Disease Management
Extension Profile