Publications By Heather Kolich
Chainsaw Safety and Tree Cleanup (C 1198) Many people help with tree cleanup after storms pass through. Some are citizen volunteers, and others are private and public sector workers who may or may not have experience with chainsaws. This pres…
Chainsaw Safety: The Five Step Tree Felling Plan (C 1220) Felling trees is dangerous. Accidents abound when chainsaws and falling timber combine. The five step tree felling plan is a safe and effective way to take down a tree with a chainsaw. Rigorous applic…
Poultry Litter Composting for Backyard Flocks (C 1097) Your coop is ready. You've built a covered run or exercise yard to keep your chickens safe from predators and wild birds that carry diseases. Your chicks are old enough to move outside, and you're eag…
Spanish Series: Seguridad Usando Motosierras y Limpieza de Arboles (C 1198-SP) Muchas personas ayudan con la limpieza de los árboles después de las tormentas. Algunos son ciudadanos voluntarios; otros son trabajadores del sector público y privado que pueden o no tener experienci…
Spanish Series: Uso Seguro de la Motosierra: El Plan de Cinco Pasos para el Corte de un ?rbol (C 1220-SP) Use estos cinco pasos para el corte de un árbol de forma segura de principio a fin. Este plan funciona para arboristas profesionales y los que no lo son. Cortar árboles con una motosierra es peligroso…
The Business of Beginning Farming: Getting started, financing, licenses, tax exemptions, and more (C 1283) Starting a farming or commercial production enterprise requires more than knowledge of agriculture or livestock management. The business side of farming is a critical factor in the success and sustain…