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  • Crop Profile for Cowpeas in Georgia (B 1480) Georgia ranks in the nation's top 10 in cowpea (southern pea, Vigna unguiculata) production, with estimates of more than 4,900 acres grown in approximately 49 of 159 counties in the state in the 2014 …
  • Georgia Fireflies (C 1213) Georgia is home to over 50 species of fireflies, more than any other U.S. state. Also known as lightning bugs, the insects’ “dancing light” patterns are an important, and nostalgic, part of Georgia su…
  • How Wetlands Benefit Georgia Agriculture (B 1519) Many people view wetlands as “wastelands,” having few virtues. But it is now known that wetlands provide many useful services, from improving water quality to providing habitat for important fish and …
  • Joro Spider: Trichonephila clavata (C 1273) The Joro spider is native to East Asia and was first detected in Georgia in 2014. It is found in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee, and is spreading to adjacent regions. It has on…
  • Managing Joro Spiders in the Landscape (C 1289) The publication gives basic biology and description, with images, of the spider's immature and adult forms, along with recommendations for managing them around the home. The Joro spider is a native of…
  • Natural Enemies of Pests in the Southeast Blueberry Systems of Georgia (B 1562) Blueberries are becoming the state fruit of Georgia with considerable acreage planted. Blueberries have many pest challenges and a current invasive pest challenge from spotted wing drosophilia (SWD). …
  • Spanish Series: Guía Visual de las Abejas Comunes de los Campos de Arándanos en el sureste de Georgia (C 1295-SP) Autor adicional: Michael Ulyshen, entomólogo investigador, Servicio Forestal de EE. UU. Esta guía muestra las abejas silvestres más comunes de las plantaciones de arándanos en el sur de Georgia. El ma…
  • Visual Guide to Common Bees of Blueberry Fields in Southeast Georgia (C 1295) Additional author: Michael Ulyshen, Research Entomologist, U.S. Forest Service. This visual guide helps people identify common wild bees encountered in blueberry systems. The contribution of wild bees…
  • Visual Guide to Common Wildflowers of South Georgia (C 1288) Wildflowers not only beautify the landscape but also provide food and shelter for myriad insects, birds, and mammals. Georgia is rich in endemic (belonging in a particular area or environment) species…
  • Visual Reference Guide to Common Predators and Pests in Georgia Cotton (C 1161) This quick reference guide provides an overview of common pests and predator groups and their sizes, habitat preferences, and timing in cotton fields. This visual guide is intended to help facilitate …
Jason Schmidt Associate Professor jschmid2@uga.edu Extension Profile