Publications By Lisa Baxter
Baleage Production and Use (B 1532) Implementing a baleage system takes consideration and planning. Producers need to weigh the benefits, challenges, and costs to optimize their forage production and livestock feeding operations. Baleag…
Baleage: Frequently Asked Questions (B 1508) Baled silage, or ¡°baleage,¡± is an excellent method for forage harvest, storage, and feed efficiency. Conserving forage as baleage enables harvests to be performed on a timely basis, allowing harvests …
Blister Beetles in Georgia Alfalfa Hay (C 917) Blister beetles sometimes infest forage crops such as alfalfa, where they may become incorporated in hay. This publication discusses biology, cause of illness and management of blister beetles.
Fescue Toxicosis in Horses (C 1180) Tall fescue is the primary cool season perennial forage grown in the state of Georgia, and toxicity issues related to the grass can have significant impacts on equine reproduction. Tall fescue is the …
GPS Guidance Options for Forage Systems (B 1546) Some of the most widely adopted precision agriculture technologies include guidance systems that utilize a Global Positioning System (GPS). Although these technologies are most commonly utilized in ro…
How to Use a Grazing Stick (B 1567) Grazing management requires accurate estimates of forage availability to adjust forage supply to meet animal needs. However, incorrect forage availability estimates can negatively impact important gra…
Managing Bermudagrass Stem Maggots (B 1484) This publication summarizes the latest and most relevant information regarding the management of the bermudagrass stem maggot (BSM), including biological, cultural, physical and chemical mitigation st…
Preparing and Calibrating a No-Till or Conventional Drill for Establishing Forage or Cover Crops (B 1510) Properly maintaining, calibrating, and adjusting a seed drill before planting is an important part of ensuring the successful establishment of forage or cover crops. Seed may be placed at a depth that…
The Management and Use of Bahiagrass (B 1362) Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flugge) is a long-lived, perennial warm season grass that is grown extensively in the southeastern United States. It is most commonly used as a pasture species, but can be…
½ûÂþÌìÌà Basic Balancer (B 1371) The ½ûÂþÌìÌà Basic Balancer is a spreadsheet-based decision aid to formulate basic rations for beef cattle operations. The nutrient requirements used in this program are adapted from guidelines presented i…
Understanding Stocking Rate in Pasture Systems (B 1568) A good grazing management plan is essential to producer success for any grazing livestock production system. One of the keys to building a grazing management plan is to have a good understanding of th…
Unless You Test, It¡¯s Just a Guess: How to Take, Interpret, and Utilize a Forage Sample (C 1287) This circular is useful for anyone working directly with livestock producers on interpreting and using forage reports. It also provides a "checklist" for taking forage samples from hay or baleage bale…
Using a Rising Plate Meter to Measure Pasture Mass (B 1528) Measuring, monitoring, and managing forage requires producers to regularly measure how much forage mass is present and how quickly that forage is growing. By using a rising plate meter, producers can …