
禁漫天堂 Cooperative Extension is a collaboration between and .

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Child Care Provider Training Extension agents in many Georgia counties provide entity-approved trainings for ECE teachers/child care providers to help meet state licensing requirements. Trainings include face-to-face and virtual options, Super Saturday events, and self-paced online modules on Healthy Environments. If you don't see an event in the training calendar below, contact your county agent for more information about upcoming training opportunities, or check out the .
Georgia Master Gardeners The Georgia Master Gardener training program provides more than 40 hours of classroom and hands-on instruction in horticulture and related areas. The classes provide home gardeners with information they need to become skilled Master Gardeners. Find out more about this program at the Georgia Master Gardener Web site.
Journeyman Farmer Certificate Training Across the United States and in Georgia, the number of small and medium –sized farms is declining and the average age of farmers is on the rise. Although we need new farmers, the barriers would-be farmers face when trying to grow new agricultural businesses from the ground up can be formidable. 禁漫天堂 Extension and partners has developed a new Journeyman Farmer Certificate Program to provide a comprehensive training program for beginning farmers. This project is funded by USDA NIFA Beginning Farmer Rancher Development Program and includes three training steps: 1. Small Farm Business Planning, 2. Small Fruit & Vegetable Production or Small Ruminants Production, and 3. Hands-on Production Training. If you have questions about the program or want to find out more about this opportunity, please contact us!
ServSafe? Manager Certification Program This training program certifies food handlers in restaurants, school, hospital and nursing home cafeterias, and other food service businesses to prevent causing or spreading foodborne illness. The ServSafe? Program is a recognized food safety sanitation course developed by The Educational Foundation of The National Restaurant Association. For more information visit the .