47 publications were found
on Weight-Management
- Building Baby's Brain Series: What to Eat When You're Expecting (C 1053-08) Your diet is important throughout your pregnancy. However, there are some special needs to consider during each trimester. You can help your baby get a healthy start in life by eating a variety of nutritious foods and making sure you gain enough wait. This publication explains what to eat for each trimester and offers insight on eating the right foods.
- Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: ?C¨®mo se siente estar lleno? (C 1037-12-SP) Para promover h¨¢bitos sanos, anime a su familia a dejar de comer cuando ya est¨¦n llenos.
- Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: ?Cu¨¢nta actividad f¨ªsica? (C 1037-22-SP) Para mantener a su familia en forma, an¨ªmelos a mantenerse f¨ªsicamente activos.
- Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: ?Cu¨¢nta Agua Deber¨ªa Beber? (C 1037-02-SP) Beber agua y mantenerse hidratados es importante para mantener a su familia sana.
- Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: ?Qu¨¦ Comer en el Desayuno? (C 1037-08-SP) Desayunar ayuda a su familia a comenzar el d¨ªa de manera sana.
- Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Comer una Variedad de Alimentos Puede ser Divertido (C 1037-05-SP) Motive a su familia a mantenerse saludables comiendo una variedad de alimentos.
- Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: C¨®mo Comer Sano Sin Gastar Mucho (C 1037-17-SP) Para incentivar a su familia a mantenerse sana, coman una dieta variada.
- Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Consejos para Servir Porciones M¨¢s Peque?as (C 1037-14-SP) Promueva h¨¢bitos alimenticios saludables motivando a su familia a dejar de comer cuando se sientan llenos.
- Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Desayune (C 1037-09-SP) Desayunar ayuda a su familia a empezar el d¨ªa de una manera saludable.
- Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: El Agua Ayuda a los Ni?os a Tener ?xito (C 1037-03-SP) Beber agua y mantenerse hidratados es importante para mantener a su familia sana.
- Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: El Desayuno es el Combustible para su D¨ªa (C 1037-06-SP) Desayunar ayuda a su familia a comenzar el d¨ªa de manera sana.
- Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Es Importante Dejar de Comer Cuando Estamos Llenos (C 1037-11-SP) Para promover h¨¢bitos sanos, anime a su familia a dejar de comer cuando ya est¨¦n lleno.
- Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Hacer el Desayuno Puede ser Divertido (C 1037-10-SP) Desayunar ayuda a su familia a empezar el d¨ªa de una manera saludable.
- Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: La Actividad F¨ªsica Ense?a Nuevas Habilidades (C 1037-20-SP) Para mantener a su familia en forma, an¨ªmelos a mantenerse f¨ªsicamente activos.
- Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Los Beneficios de Mantenerse F¨ªsicamente Activo (C 1037-19-SP) Mantenga a su familia en forma motiv¨¢ndolos a estar f¨ªsicamente activos.
- Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Motive a Su Hijo a Ser Activo (C 1037-23-SP) Para mantener a su familia en forma, an¨ªmelos a mantenerse f¨ªsicamente activos.
- Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Por Qu¨¦ es Importante Dejar de Comer Cuando Estamos Llenos (C 1037-15-SP) Para promover h¨¢bitos sanos, anime a su familia a dejar de comer cuando ya est¨¦n lleno.
- Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Sea un Modelo de Conductas Alimenticias Sanas (C 1037-18-SP) Para incentivar a su familia a mantenerse sana, coman una dieta variada.
- Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Seguridad y Actividad F¨ªsica (C 1037-21-SP) Para mantener a su familia en forma, an¨ªmelos a mantenerse f¨ªsicamente activos.
- Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Tama?os Adecuados de las Porciones (C 1037-13-SP) Para promover h¨¢bitos sanos, anime a su familia a dejar de comer cuando ya est¨¦n llenos.
- Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Tendencias Actuales de Actividad F¨ªsica (C 1037-24-SP) Para mantener a su familia en forma, an¨ªmelos a mantenerse f¨ªsicamente activos.
- Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Tomar Agua es Importante (C 1037-01-SP) Tomar agua y mantenerse hidratado es una parte importante para mantener a su familia saludable.
- Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Un Desayuno Sano Alimenta el Cerebro (C 1037-07-SP) Desayunar ayuda a su familia a comenzar el d¨ªa de manera sana.
- Coma Saludable Mantengase Activo Series: Una Variedad de Alimentos para Ni?os Quisquillosos o Exigentes (C 1037-16-SP) Motive a su familia a mantenerse saludable comiendo una variedad de alimentos.
- Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: A Healthy Breakfast Feeds the Brain (C 1037-07) Read about the connection between a healthy breakfast and children's learning, and work with your child to make a fruit smoothie for breakfast.
- Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: A Variety of Foods for Picky Eaters (C 1037-16) Read tips for helping picky eaters try new foods, and play a food finder game with your child on your next grocery shopping trip.
- Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Appropriate Portion Sizes (C 1037-13) Learn quick ways to estimate appropriate portion sizes for common foods, and help your child practice measuring and comparing portions of cereal.
- Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Benefits of Staying Physically Active (C 1037-19) Read about the benefits of being physically active for adults and children, and play walking games with your child.
- Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Breakfast Fuels Your Day (C 1037-06) Learn why breakfast is essential to good health, and encourage your children to make breakfast more interesting with healthy toppings for their hot or cold cereal.
- Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Current Physical Activity Trends (C 1037-24) Read about current trends in physical activity, and help your child be active by finding creative ways to move while drawing with sidewalk chalk.
- Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Drinking Water is Important (C 1037-01) Learn why drinking water is an important part of keeping yourself and your family healthy, and help children learn about hydration by exploring wet and dry sponges.
- Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Eat Breakfast Together (C 1037-09) Read tips for creating a quick breakfast your family can eat on the go, and make breakfast fun by inviting your family on a breakfast picnic.
- Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Eating a Variety of Foods can be Fun! (C 1037-05) Find out how to make eating foods from all of the food groups more fun, and encourage your child to eat fruit by making silly fruit faces on a plate.
- Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Eating a Variety of Foods is Healthy! (C 1037-04) Learn about the five food groups that make up MyPlate, and help your child learn the groups by coloring in sections of a paper plate.
- Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: How Much Physical Activity? (C 1037-22) Find out how much physical activity young children need, and encourage your child to be active by playing a freeze dance game with music.
- Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: How Much Water Should You Drink? (C 1037-02) Find out how much water you should drink to stay hydrated, and help children make drinking water more fun by making colored fruit ice cubes.
- Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: It's Important to Stop When You're Full (C 1037-11) Learn why it¡¯s important to stop eating when you are full, and teach your child about ¡°full¡± and ¡°empty¡± using bowls of water.
- Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Making Breakfast can be Fun (C 1037-10) Check out breakfast foods that your child can help make, and work together with your child to build a fruit and yogurt parfait.
- Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Modeling Healthy Eating Behaviors (C 1037-18) Find out how to model healthy eating for your child, and work with your child to create a healthy trail mix for a snack.
- Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Motivating Your Child to be Active (C 1037-23) Learn how to motivate your child to be more active, and encourage your child¡¯s physical activity by setting up a treasure hunt.
- Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Physical Activity Teaches New Skills (C 1037-20) Learn about the skills children learn through physical activity, and be active as a family by playing a giant board game with your child.
- Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Safety and Physical Activity (C 1037-21) Read safety tips for your active child, and encourage your child to be active by creating and moving through an obstacle course together.
- Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Tips for Serving Smaller Portions (C 1037-14) Read tips for serving your family smaller food portions, and help your child practice healthy eating by self-serving food at the next meal.
- Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Water Helps Children Succeed (C 1037-03) Read tips to help your child drink enough water every day, and help your child keep track of water drinking with a simple chart.
- Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: What Does Full Feel Like? (C 1037-12) Find out how to help your child recognize what feeling full is like, and encourage your child to practice ¡°full¡± by filling a plastic bag with flour or cornstarch.
- Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: What to Eat for Breakfast? (C 1037-08) Check out breakfast ideas that include foods from several food groups, and encourage your child to draw a favorite breakfast food.
- Eat Healthy, Be Active Series: Why It's Important to Stop When Full (C 1037-15) Learn why it is important not to force children to clean their plates, and read a story with your child about why stopping eating when full is important.